Xtreme LOLz!

Posts Tagged ‘poop’

Potty Blogger

In text on September 4, 2009 at 9:59 pm

Thanks to the folks at Thrillist, I’ve been splitting my sides reading this blog about the everyday antics and horrors in the men’s room of 720 California Street in San Francisco. Witty potty bloggers like this need to be applauded and supported. XLOL! Enjoy this excerpt:

Is it weird to walk out of the men’s room holding a box of cereal?

Unless there has been a natural disaster that knocked out the power to your refrigerator so that the only way you can store your milk and keep it from going sour is by tying a string around the carton and gently submerging it into the cool water of your toilet…yes; yes it is.

Poop on Your Own Floor

In photo on September 4, 2009 at 9:50 pm

Poop on your own floor

A homemade sign in the ladies room encouraging people to utilize the rest rooms on your own floor instead of doing a hit-and-run in the building’s favorite crapper? Yes that’s what it is. Take note that one revolutionary isn’t taking the suggestion to heart. XLOL!